Image for ARGO Backend display

A backend that significantly shortens the time-to-market of digital applications and enables flexible action during further development.

The combination of ARGO modules creates individual solutions for secure and modern digital projects. The ARGO core features have been tested thousands of times and ensure the necessary security even for projects with sensitive data. In addition, ARGO guarantees almost unlimited scalability and expandability.

More from COSBOO

ARGO features at a glance

ARGO - powered by COSBOO can be understood as a modular system that is familiar with recurring challenges of digital transformation and provides suitable solutions. By combining the modules, individual solutions for digital projects are created in a shorter time with proven high security standards.

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Modern REST API standard

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User management

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Role management

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Access, admission and provisioning management

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State-of-the-art technology to improve security

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Single Sign On

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GDPR compliant

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Secure template engine

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Multi-client capability

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Messaging, chat and ticket system

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Scalable / Elastic infrastructure

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Version history

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Modular structure

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Social network features such as comments, ratings and user linking

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Audit log

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Pipeline configuration for automated sequential data processing

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Newsletter & notification system (e-mail, SMS, etc.)

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Processing of structured and unstructured data

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Established staging and deployment concept (DEV/UAT/ INT/PROD)

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Use of industry standards and standard formats

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High availability

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Extensible (custom APIs, custom jobs, custom modules)

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Hosting and development in Germany

ARGO Example Projects

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  • Cloud software development for one of the big 5 auditors
  • Multi-stage matching process with successive automated data release
  • Highest security standards for handling sensitive company data
  • Rapid implementation thanks to the establishment of LEAN & SCRUM methods for the project
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  • Development of a unique legal advice platform
  • E-commerce for the distribution of documents, videos, webinars, chats, etc.
  • Individual administration interface for orchestrating the digital business model
  • Interactive information and theme worlds also for search engine optimisation
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  • Digital credit brokerage for the art market and equipment leasing
  • Establishing a digital lending process for the art market
  • Automated gallery onboarding
  • API design of the interfaces to banks & service providers

Our experience & applications

ARGO Backend

ARGO - powered by COSBOO is a backend infrastructure with REST API that provides processes, content and access logics for apps, websites and other data-driven projects.

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e-Gehalt / DMS

Deliver digital payslips and other HR documents electronically. You continue to create the payslips in your HR system. e-Gehalt delivers the payslips digitally to your employees.

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We use ARGO in our shops in such a way that digital products, features, media and subscriptions can be sold successfully. The basis is so flexible that even unusual applications with special features can be implemented.

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Chats & social network systems

With ARGO we build individual and secure chats for online portals, web applications and web shops. We also implement individual social network systems with blogging, comment functions, P2P communication, user ratings and the like.

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Digitally map matching processes for different business cases. With matching portals from COSBOO, you digitise your business model when it comes to matching products, goods or services. Flexible access rules and matching processes make it possible to digitally map even complex business cases.

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Fintec / Finance

We are familiar with digital payments, coins, investment processes, lending and much more. In the past, we have advised several start-ups in the field of finane and successfully supported them in their product development.

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