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Innovative, technology-based financial application systems

In the field of financial services, banking, real estate and securities trading, the use of technologically advanced solutions is required. We have been active in this field for years and have developed innovative digital products for start-ups as well as for established players.

More from COSBOO

Change is in full swing

For banks and financial service providers of all sizes, digital transformation is now one of the most important strategic levers to exploit. Solutions for automated financial portfolio management, crowdinvesting, digital investment advice, lending and information platforms are changing the way each and every one of us deals with finance and banking. During out projects, we have thought our way into the processes of financial service providers and helped reduce complexity to design and implement stable solutions. We have provided conceptual support, data analysis, UX concepts and helped develop digital solutions through the use of Agile and Lean management methods. We have learned that there is a lot of potential and need for optimisation in the field of finance. Arrange a free consultation appointment and let our experts show you how to optimise your projects potential with ARGO.

Example projects from the fintech sector

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Digitisation of lending processes

A platform for multi-stage lending processes was developed for a client in the lending sector. In the process, appealing user interfaces were developed for different user groups in order to collect and evaluate data and documents and to forward them to banks and service providers via API interfaces.

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Innovative sales approaches in the private equity environment

For a client from the alternative investments sector, a UI concept was developed to sell shares in large-scale projects online. The administration of the sold shares and a user interface for investors were also designed for this project. This resulted in both a click dummy for UX testing and a data model for the implementation of the project.

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Alternative payment methods

For a community platform in the field of AdTech, an alternative means of payment was created that could be accumulated in user accounts. API interfaces to a mobile money provider made it possible to anonymously pay out the coins collected in the community to real people. The process was coordinated with the German financial authorities and technically realised.

Our experience & applications

ARGO Backend

ARGO - powered by COSBOO is a backend infrastructure with REST API that provides processes, content and access logics for apps, websites and other data-driven projects.

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e-Gehalt / DMS

Deliver digital payslips and other HR documents electronically. You continue to create the payslips in your HR system. e-Gehalt delivers the payslips digitally to your employees.

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We use ARGO in our shops in such a way that digital products, features, media and subscriptions can be sold successfully. The basis is so flexible that even unusual applications with special features can be implemented.

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Chats & social network systems

With ARGO we build individual and secure chats for online portals, web applications and web shops. We also implement individual social network systems with blogging, comment functions, P2P communication, user ratings and the like.

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Digitally map matching processes for different business cases. With matching portals from COSBOO, you digitise your business model when it comes to matching products, goods or services. Flexible access rules and matching processes make it possible to digitally map even complex business cases.

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Fintec / Finance

We are familiar with digital payments, coins, investment processes, lending and much more. In the past, we have advised several start-ups in the field of finane and successfully supported them in their product development.

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